Private Dining © Van Gogh House London, 2020

Venue Hire
Van Gogh House, a stunningly renovated Georgian terrace with original features and a modern extension. A special place with a sense of history and atmosphere, the various unique rooms in the house and its beautiful garden can play host to a variety of events from small intimate meetings to private dining and supperclubs.
Venue Hire Brochure ⟶
A colourful tablescape drawing flowers from our garden and pottery from our shop

Filming and Photography
Van Gogh House London is a Grade II privately owned building, and we ask that all visitors and press be respectful of the residents in the house and surrounding community. Tripods and filming equipment are not allowed in the house during tours and events, and we ask that all photography and videos taken on the tours are used for private, non-commercial purposes. We encourage visitors to share photographs with us on social media @vangoghlondon.
If you would like to film or photograph the Van Gogh House London for commercial and professional purposes, please contact
Once we have reviewed your request and a location fee has been determined, you will be asked to submit:
– A formal filming request at least 10 working days in advance of the proposed date
– A pre-shoot recce and agreement of the scope of the filming as discussed with the Van Gogh House London
– A risk assessment form
– A copy of public liability insurance
– A signed copy of a VGH filming agreement
We will only consider requests for filming and photography that are made in accordance with these guidelines.
A private dinner for 20 in Van Gogh House's garden